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APEX Legends Mobile - Everything Important To Know

apex legends mobile

APEX Legends Mobile

APEX Legends Mobile - Get Every Important Detail To Know About APEX Legends Mobile game. Apex legend mobile initial info.

APEX Legends is a new Battle Royale game presented by EA Games and Respawn Entertainment. (APEX legends mobile)
This is a Battle Royale game which is available for PC and Xbox and some other gaming consoles and game platforms. this game is not currently available for mobile devices like pubg or fortnite. but a game has announced that they will also release a mobile game of Apex  Legends. imitation is a graphic game which is looks alike some type of cartoonish games. but that's not mean the game is not cool. the game is truly a Badass. APEX legend has crossed 10 million players in just 3 days of the release and currently, it's around 25 million player and 1 million active players all time(APEX legends mobile)

Apex Legends mobile

The gameplay of Apex Legends fuses features from a variety of many video games, including Respawn Entertainment’s own Titanfall series, battle royale games, best in class-based shooters, and much more. Approximately in game, there is sixty players are pitted against to each other on a very dangerous island in a squad of three players, with one player lradding where their squad lands. Then the  squads will have to find weapons and other resources to fight with other squads, during the time of fighting, the play area gradually constricts in size until there is one squad remains, thus ending the match. (APEX legends mobile)

Apex Legends mobile

The game is also featuring the care packages and the some cool ability to revive your teammates within some certain amount of time. Communication with your team members can be done through the voice chat or through a ping system, they allowing teammates to mark there or other supplies. They also can mark their locations, and enemies easily. (APEX legends mobile)

Apex Legends mobile

Apex Legends game features eight heroes to choose from (where two of them are locked by default), and also features a microtransaction store system for other cosmetic items. (APEX legends mobile)

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The Apex legends game has come like a storm of Revolutionary gaming experience. the is also getting too much love like pubg and fortnite. but there is a difference in pubg and fortnite and the Apex legend. But Here's a question.......? (APEX legends mobile)

Apex Legends mobile

Can Apex Legends Beat Pubg?

Because the pubg mobile and pubg PC is also two popular Among Us.  so that's why I think that the apex legends game can cross the popularity of pubg in PC only.  and the reason for this is the pubg mobile is more famous than fortnite or any other game which was in the category of Mobile gaming.

But that does not make the apex legends is not a good game it's a truly getting massive success in their PC gaming category or any other consoles because the  Apex legends game has very improvised graphics in their game. and the apex Legends has all types of features which are featured in pubg mobile, pubg PC and fortnite.  so that's why people are thinking that this game can beat pubg and fortnite in the PC Gaming Industry. (APEX legends mobile)

And why only the PC gaming industry this can beat pubg mobile in mobile phone gaming industry also.

The APEX legends game Is Truly getting too much success. But if we talk about other battle royal games. I think the Apex legends and Apex legends mobile game will take some time to be popular in every continent. Till then we have to wait for September 2019 for Apex legends mobile launch.

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APEX Legends Mobile - Everything Important To Know APEX Legends Mobile - Everything Important To Know Reviewed by Rohan Chaudhary on March 01, 2019 Rating: 5


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